McGinty Bros., Inc.'s Core Aerator Services Help Your Hawthorn Woods, IL Soil and Lawn Stay Healthy
Great lawn care doesn't just start from the ground up. It starts from the ground down. McGinty Bros., Inc.'s core aeration services can loosen up your property's soil so your lawn and landscaping plants develop healthy roots systems.
What Is Aeration?
Aeration. Core aeration. Soil cultivation. It's all the same thing, and it's pretty important. Our core aerator services dig small cores of soil out of your lawn. This releases the pressure on compact soil so your grass's roots can grow deep into the topsoil and subsoil. Core aeration also gives water, fertilizer, and weed control treatments easier access into the soil so they can reach your plants.
4 Reasons Why Aeration Should Be Part of Every Hawthorn Woods, IL Lawn Care Plan
If you want your residential lawn or your commercial landscaping to stay green, the grass needs a few things: oxygen, water, and the occasional chemical treatment. Here's how core aeration helps it happen.
1. Get more oxygen to your turf's roots.
Every blade of grass needs that sweet CO2 to stay healthy. But it's not enough for grass to have air contact. The roots need oxygen, too. Core aeration does two things to help:
- It brings airflow deep into the soil so the roots can breathe. Compacted clay soil can smother grass roots, so our team loosens it up.
- It cuts around thatch. Thatch is a thick layer of dead grass that can build up on the topsoil. Just like the soil itself, this can choke your lawn's root. Also just like with compact soil, aeration solves the problem.
2. Increase water absorption.
Depending on the type of grass in your yard, your lawn might be picky about how much water it receives. Too little, and it starts to wither. Too much, and the grass will turn yellow. Luckily, there are some pretty precise irrigation systems out that that can be programmed to perfectly suit your grass type. McGinty Bros., Inc.'s aeration services ensure that the water actually reaches the grass's roots instead of pooling on top of the hard clay soil or running off into your drainage.
3. Send fertilizer and weed control treatments directly to the root of the problem.
Broadly speaking, there are two types of lawn control chemicals: the ones that need to coat the plants themselves, and the ones that need to seep into the soil or enrich the roots. Many disease control treatments, for example, are sprayed directly onto plants' leaves to make spores and pests go away. The vast majority of treatments, however, need to reach the soil.
Core aeration lets roots grab onto the micronutrients and nitrogen in fertilizers without those nutrients getting lost in the thatch. Aeration also lets weed control treatments settle into the soil so weed spores don't have a chance to move in.
4. Core aeration even helps your trees. (It's magic.)
Compacted soil isn't just a concern for lawns, fields, and parks. Heavy, compacted soil slows down the growth of tree roots, too. Construction equipment, industrial lawn mowers, and even foot traffic can tamp down the soil and suffocate the roots. Core aeration lets the tree roots keep growing, which keeps your trees healthy and also improves their structural stability.

Great Landscaping Needs Healthy Soil
The greater Hawthorn Woods, Illinois, area has soil that's approximately 85% clay. That thick clay may have a lot of nutrients, but it also packs a pretty water-resistant punch. That is, when it's not too much expanding and contracting and generally giving your foundation a hard time.
Plants live their best lives when they can grow deep roots into crumbly, loosely packed soil. Core aeration makes that happen by reducing the soil's compaction. This happens three ways:
- Roots can grow into the empty spaces.
- The aerator points go deep into the soil and subsoil. This gives grass and plant roots the access they need to reach the less densely packed soil that exists below the surface.
- The aerator points let the soil spread out. The holes won't stay empty for long. The soil expands and loosens up a little.
Our core aeration services set the stage for our fertilizer and weed control services for maximum effectiveness.
Why Residential Properties Need Aerator Service
Core aeration is at the core (ha!) of our customizable 5-step lawn care services. Our lawn care services start with a free evaluation. We can identify your lawn's grass varieties and soil composition to create the perfect aeration schedule to let your lawn breathe. Then we can foster strong growth with fertilizer treatments. Every step works together to make your lawn stronger, healthier, and more beautiful.
Why Hawthorn Woods, IL Commercial Properties and Parks Need Aerator Service
Green lawns are a must for commercial properties and parks. Worn grass, exposed soil, and weeds aren't just unattractive. They can actually reduce how many visitors come to your property and impact what residents or shoppers think about their experience. Our core aeration and lawn care services can help give you back the curb appeal that your business needs.
Calling All Commercial Landscapers
If you own a commercial landscaping service but you don't have the tools for core aeration, we can help. McGinty Bros., Inc. has the specialty tools and expert aerators so you can offer your clients a complete commercial landscaping package. If you don't want to invest in core aeration equipment but you also don't want to spend hours walking across properties with a pitchfork, we get it and we're here to help.
McGinty Bros., Inc. offers core aeration for every type of landscape, including:
- Sports Fields
- Parks
- Schools
- Corporate Campuses
- Right-of-Ways
- Commercial Turf
Additional Lawn Care Services from McGinty Bros., Inc.
Core aeration is just the start of what McGinty Bros., Inc. can do to make your lawn the best on the block. We also offer these residential, commercial, and municipal lawn care services:
- Fertilization (granular or liquid)
- Weed Control
- Disease and Insect Control (including mosquitoes)
- Core Aeration
- Hydroseeding (for new lawns and native spaces)
- Boom Spraying

Contact Us Today So We Can Dig Tiny Holes in Your Lawn
It may sound silly, but it brings real results. Contact McGinty Bros., Inc. today for a free lawn evaluation. We can aerate your Hawthorn Woods, Illinois lawn based on your grass types and soil composition so you can enjoy a healthy, green lawn.